Solar Canal Remediation

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Solar Canal Remediation

The solar-powered system has been installed and creates a current that will increase oxygen levels in the water. This helps aerobic bacteria that already exist in the canal become more efficient, essentially using natural processes to enhance nature’s ability to clean up after its self

Collaboration between WRAIN, WCI Environmental Solutions, Kawartha Region Conservation Authority, Councillor Junkin and local residents has led to the installation of an innovative new technology near Hickory Beach on Sturgeon Lake, just outside of Fenelon Falls.

WCI Environmental Solutions has developed the technology, which residents hope will help control weeds and improve water quality on the bayou canal. “It is amazing to see what can be accomplished when industry, government, and the public work together as a team for the benefit of our community” commented Numair Uppal, WRAIN project manager.

“Kawartha Lakes relies heavily on recreational water to attract visitors to the area. In addition to the environmental benefits of this project, there is also potential for large economic gains with cleaner, more usable water systems supporting the tourism sector while also enhancing quality of life for residents.” The goal of the project is to improve the overall quality of the water for recreational uses such as swimming and fishing.

Source: Fenelon Falls

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