Solving Urban Challenges with Data

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Solving Urban Challenges with Data

Innovate UK, Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Are to Invest up to £7.5m in Collaborative R&D Projects, with a Proportion Available for Feasibility Studies

Innovate UK,Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)and Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) are to invest up to £7.5m in collaborative R&D projects, with a proportion available for feasibility studies. Proposals must be collaborative and business-led.

We are seeking proposals for innovative, commercial solutions to increase the resilience, quality of life or economic performance of urban areas by integrating environmental, social and/or economic data with data from other sources. The focus is on better defining and solving problems through new ways of combining data.

We are primarily seeking to fund collaborative research and development (industrial research), with a business partner attracting 50% public funding for their project costs (60% for SMEs). We expect collaborative R&D projects to range in size from £250k to £1m, although we may consider projects outside this range.

Up to £2.5m of the total funding will be available for smaller-scale collaborative feasibility studies (or pre-industrial research). These will generally attract up to 65% public funding for their project costs (75% for SMEs). We expect feasibility studies projects to range in size from £50k to £200k.

Up to £0.5m is specifically for projects which use historic or new datasets collected by satellites to develop new services. Up to £2m is available from NERC and £0.5m from ESRC for research components.

Source: Innovate UK

