South Africa’s Largest Desalination Plant Opens

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South Africa’s Largest Desalination Plant Opens

Mossel Bay in the Western Cape province. This facility will ensure that the economic hub achieves greater water security and economic growth going into the future. The plant, which has a capacity of 15-million megalitres per day, started operating in September but currently puts out only 5-million megalitres of water, as the area has had excellent rains and dams supplying the town are full. The 5-million megalitres are used entirely by the synthetic petroleum plant of PetroSA, the town’s biggest employer and biggest user of water. PetroSA consumes almost as much water daily as the municipality itself. “The development of a desalination plant was always envisaged for the near future but after the town was faced with a severe drought, the project was escalated,” confirms Harry Hill, spokesperson for the municipality. Read more:

