Starbucks Stops Sourcing Water from California Amid Drought

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Starbucks Stops Sourcing Water from California Amid Drought

The company has announced it will move production to a Pennsylvania supplier

The supplier move will commence in May and continue over the next six months.

Founded in 2002 in southern California, Ethos Water donates 5 cents of every purchase to a water fund.

"Ethos® Water was created to help raise awareness ... and provide children with access to clean water," it says on the Starbucks website.

"So far more than $6 million has been granted to help support water, sanitation and hygiene education programs in water-stressed countries - benefiting more than 420,000 people around the world."

The recent report by Mother Jones sparked outrage from concerned citizens when it was revealed that a portion of Ethos Water was being processed by a plant in Northern California and collected from a local private spring. These areas are currently experiencing'exceptional drought' conditions.

Source: The Weather Network

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