Start-Up Nation: TaKaDu and Netafim Apply Israeli Ingenuity to Improve Global Water Use

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Start-Up Nation: TaKaDu and Netafim Apply Israeli Ingenuity to Improve Global Water Use

Israeli start-ups TaKaDu and Netafim are bringing the country's ingenuity and experience in water management to play an important part in helping the world use its limted water resources as efficiently as possible,BBC News reported, in a feature on the global water crisis.

TaKaDu has developed a platform to manage big data analytics with cloud-based softwareto monitor water networks, increasing efficiency with quicker detection of leaks and burst pipes, and saving municipal users millions of dollars annually.

Based in Yehud, Israel, TaKaDu's technology evaluates sensors and meters along the water network, which it then mates with domestic and industrial water usage patterns and weather updates to allow more efficient water management on any given network.

"We turn raw data into knowledge," TaKaDu's Moshe Tamir told the BBC. "We built a very smart algorithm that can spot anomalies in the network's behavior, from a small leak to a burst water main, enabling water utilities to plan and react much faster than before. And when you save water you save energy."

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