System for Transforming Sludge into Fresh Water

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System for Transforming Sludge into Fresh Water

Transforming dirty sludge into fresh water - the MANN+HUMMEL waste water treatment system

At MANN+HUMMEL, we not only transform paper into high-performance filters; our very own waste water treatment system also converts our dirty water into clean water. In the past, we simply removed the oil from our waste water and fed it into the CDC (cathodic dip coating) waste water system via a pump station. However, since August we have been running ourown waste water treatment system.

At the heart of the system aretwo ceramic filters, which remove micro-sized particles. But let's start at the beginning: all production areas have a designated waste water container, where all the dirty water from floors, machines and systems is collected. The water contains solid particles, chemicals, heavy metals and oil concentrates. Just one drop of oil will contaminate 1000litres of water, meaning it cannot be drained away.

The dirty water from the collection containers is fed into the storage containers of our waste water treatment system. There, alarge sieveis used to filter outcoarse dirt particlesbefore the water is passed through aband of non-woven fabric, designed to collect fine particlesand shavings, and into the working container. Once used, the non-woven fabric is rolled up and disposed of together with the sludge. In the working container, theoil is sucked outand theodours neutralised using biocides. After this preliminary cleaning step, the waste water is piped into the heart of the System.

The two ceramic filters are like fine spaghetti; only clean water (the permeate) comes through, while dirt is pressed to the outside under pressure. ThepH level in the permeate container is continuously monitored, with the systemautomatically adding acid or alkalineto maintain a pH level between six and nine. The permeate is then passed through the selective ion exchanger toremove any heavy metals from the water. The fresh water is then ready to be disposed of through the municipal sewage system. It is not crystal clear and has a different colour depending on the substances in it, but all iron parts and oils have been removed. This is verified by regular checks.

The great advantage of this system is that it helps us in our ownresearch and development for the water filtration market. We have installed one of our own membranes in the system and one from another supplier, in order tocompare the performanceof both ceramic filters. In doing so, we combine the practical benefit of cleaning our waste water with useful results for our research. Indeed, demand for similar waste water treatment systems, also called ‘ultrafiltration systems', looks set to grow, as regulations governing municipal sewage systems become more stringent.


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