TESLA Battery Plant Water Solutions

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TESLA Battery Plant Water Solutions

Projections Show the Area Around the New Proposed Tesla Plant is Capable of Handling the Water Needs of All These New people, But There Are Concerns Over What Happens to the Water After It Is Used

Reno-Sparks is poised for a Tesla-influenced population boom that will test its resources.

Projections show the area is capable of handling the water needs of all these new people, but there are concerns over what happens to the water after it is used.

Treated sewer water put back into the Truckee River is only allowed to contain so much "stuff." More people means more stuff. Reno-Sparks is already near its limit of stuff. Something must be done, and it will be expensive.

Before big decisions are made, public discussions must be had to decide how much treated water — effluent — this high desert area is willing to give up control over.

Short-term ideas are being considered: pouring effluent into the ground somewhere — likely near Spanish Springs — to allow it to return to nature, or putting it in winter storage reservoirs for use during high-demand warm months.

Winter storage is helpful because of a quirk of effluent that leads to more in colder weather. Demand drops for effluent in the winter because its main uses are for agricultural fields and landscaping such as in parks and golf courses. And the microbes used to break down the stuff in the effluent don't like the cold weather so they can't process as much.

Two main plans are being floated to deal with the effluent problem in the long-term.

•One involves building a $35 million pipeline to send the effluent water to the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center, where Tesla will be located, for industrial processes that don't require drinkable water. The money would likely come largely from grants available for economic development. The pipeline solves the problem because the stuff-filled effluent would not be put into the Truckee River and would not count against the total amount of stuff allowed for Reno-Sparks.

•The other main option involves installing $40 million worth of nitrogen treatment technology at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility. The money would come from developers building new housing projects who would buy into their portion of the new technology — and from ratepayers in Reno-Sparks. This technology solves the problem by breaking down more of the nitrogen stuff so the effluent returned to the river contains less.

The more likely of the two plans seems to be the pipeline out to Tesla and the surrounding industrial park in Storey County. This is, in part, because Reno-Sparks residents and businesses would pay less to create a long-term solution; the industrial park wants more effluent and this would be a less expensive way to get it; and Tesla loves the idea of using reclaimed water as part of its sustainable, green image.

One could be forgiven for thinking: Hey, if $35 million is available for effluent pipes to spur economic development, why send the water to another county? Instead, why not have Reno-Sparks build effluent pipes — also called purple pipes because of their color — to attract companies that would locate here if they were available and to help existing businesses?

Companies with massive data servers (think Apple) as well as many manufacturers can use such water. In fact, they prefer to because it is much cheaper than regular, drinkable water.

Currently, Reno and Sparks are allowed to sell effluent to businesses but there are almost no takers because the businesses have to pay to run the pipes to their locations, something that is cost prohibitive. But if grant money became available …

Unfortunately, reality stomps on this idea.

Costs would be expected to run much higher — maybe five times higher — to create a similar amount of effluent pipeline in urban areas. That is because roads would have to be torn up, power and gas lines would need to be routed around, expensive right of ways may need to be acquired, etc.

The idea, though, is a good one and it brings up a line of discussion that needs to be had before entering negotiations to pipe the effluent out of Washoe County.

The temptation will be to give Tesla whatever it wants. It, or the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center, may request access to the maximum amount of effluent that can be given.

Source: RGJ

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