Texas city expands water treatment plant with disinfection system

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Texas city expands water treatment plant with disinfection system

When the City of Midlothian, Texas, was ready to expand their water treatment plant to accommodate a growing population, they carefully considered
and investigated their water disinfection options. The MicrOclorTM vertically-arrayed on-site sodium hypochlorite generator has proven to be a safe and reliable choice for Midlothian residents.

Located south of Dallas and Fort Worth, Midlothian has seen significant growth since plant manager Ben Wilson started with the City of Midlothian Water Treatment Plant in 1991. At that time, the city's treatment plant was relatively new, built in 1987, and was treating an average demand of 1⁄2 million gallons per day (MGD) with a maximum capacity of 3 MGD. Today, after careful planning for the future, Midlo- thian's combined water treatment plants average 6-8 MGD with a capacity of 18 MGD.

Around 2003, city leaders began anticipating the

long-term water treatment needs of Midlothian, Tex- as, and by 2008, they had begun rigorous planning to accommodate the city's growth, either by building a new plant or expanding the existing facility. Build- ing an additional plant made financial sense, created redundancy, and offered the security of being able to survive a weather emergency with minimal disruption to the community.

The original plant uses conventional dual media filtration, sedimentation, and gas chlorination. Midlo- thian initially considered duplicating the treatment technologies for the new plant to simplify operator cross-training. However, they ultimately decided that the best strategy to accommodate long-term future growth was a new membrane filtration system with a chlorine disinfection system.

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