The Influence of Ion Composition of Water on its Electrical Conductivity

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The Influence of Ion Composition of Water on its Electrical Conductivity

In this article, I will try to explain how the ionic composition of water affects the value of electrical conductivity and how justified is the use of the generally accepted conversion factors of electrical conductivity of water into the salt content of water (in the range of 0.5-0.55) for the vast majority of freshwater.

The article also considers the possibility of using the value of water conductivity to control the process of water softening.

    The electrical conductivity of water is the most important parameter of its quality, which can be determined in a simple and affordable way. The electrical conductivity of water depends on the amount of dissolved salts, acids and bases in it, i.e. on the number of ions. Accordingly, the electrical conductivity of water depends on the concentration of ions in the water. The higher the concentration of ions, the greater the electrical conductivity of the water is. Thus, the total salt content of water can be determined with the value of the electrical conductivity of water.

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