The Poorest People In CA Are Paying The Most For Drinking Water

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The Poorest People In CA Are Paying The Most For Drinking Water

Alarmingly, pollution in California's San Joaquin Valley means millions do not have the same cheap access to clean drinking water as most Americans (i.e. their faucets at home) placing a big financial burden on people who also happen to be some of the poorest in the state. The financial burden has fallen on the people to fix their drinking water issue because the government hasn't delivered, at least not yet. This September Gov. Jerry Brown signed the Human Right to Water bill, which on paper promised "every human being has the right to safe, clean, affordable, and accessible water adequate for human consumption, cooking, and sanitary purposes." It then talks about all the agencies that are responsible for getting that done. The problem? It's not clear where the money will come from. So far, the funds haven't appeared. The federal government allocated $1.3 million to one town in the Valley to build a water treatment plant. But it wasn't enough. Read more:
