The Weight of Cities: Resource Requirements of Future Urbanization (Report)

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The Weight of Cities: Resource Requirements of Future Urbanization (Report)

According to the latest report from the International Resources Panel, the future of our cities will depend on their level of resource efficiency and how they are planned, connected and governed.

The report calls for substantial changes in urban form, governance and design, each of which require re-thinking of how cities are created and developed, and in some cases replacing social, economic and political practices.

Representative image, Image source: Pixabay

The report recommends:

  1. Compact growth, to economize on the asphalt, concrete, electricity and water consumed in urban sprawl.
  2. Better connections through efficient, affordable public transport.
  3. Liveable neighbourhoods where design and small city-block size encourage people to walk or cycle.

Read & Download the report: The Weight of Cities

Read full article: UN Environment

