Thermal Pressure Hydrolysis Plant at Netherlands

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Thermal Pressure Hydrolysis Plant at Netherlands

HoSt Has Started the Construction of a Thermal Pressure Hydrolysis (TPH) Demo Plant for Sewage Sludge at the Wastewater Treatment Plant Echten, the Netherlands

This TPH-technology is used to pretreat sewage sludge at high pressure and temperature with the aim of improving the biogas production and the dewaterability. The pre-treament allows additional energy-recovery and is cost effective.

The project is in collaboration with the operator of the wastewater treatment plant, water board Reest en Wieden. The demo plant is expected to be operational in March 2015.

Small scale experiences

HoSt has used a similar technology in biogas plants in the Netherlands and Romania in order to comply with EU hygiene regulations. In these installations, it was found that the biogas production increased.

In laboratory tests, which are conducted by HoSt, this also proved to be the case for the application of sewage sludge. With the demo plant at the WWTP in Echten HoSt wants to demonstrate that this technique is also suitable for treatment of sewage sludge on a larger scale.

Destruction cell structure of organic matter

In the demo plant, sewage sludge is brought under pressure and to a temperature of 160 degrees with the use of steam. With the TPH technology, persistent structures like cells in sludge are degraded.

After the pre-treatment the sludge goes to the digesters.

Here, the bacteria can break down more organic matter, which leads to a higher biogas production. Also, the dewaterability of the sludge is improved which leads to fewer disposal costs.

After the initial trial period, the plant will be operated for a long time during a joint measurement program to measure the effects on the existing digestion plant. The plant will treat a part (50%) of the total sewage sludge.

Water Board Reest en Wieden intends to take over the demo plant and to build a permanent plant if the results are positive.

Source: Dutch Water Sector

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