This Pipe-Inspecting Transformer Can Help Cities Heal Themselves (VIDEO)

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This Pipe-Inspecting Transformer Can Help Cities Heal Themselves (VIDEO)

Amplus is an advanced remote-operated vehicle, or ROV, that inspects water, wastewater and industrial pipes. The device can access points as narrow as 4 inches (about 100 millimeters) and crawl through lines regardless of flow or pressure.

The 16-inch-long Amplus debuted at the American Waterworks Association (AWWA) conference in June, and was on display this month at Singapore International Water Week.

Amplus uses high-definition cameras, ultrasonic scanners and acoustic hydrophone sensors, according to the company, to collect and transmit high-resolution analysis of pipelines in real time and help diagnose what's going on underground.

Aquam, headquartered in the United States, says the Amplus ROV is designed for "self-repairing cities," or using robots to help cities heal themselves. The basic concept is that robots like Amplus could work throughout a city to detect and repair infrastructure problems as needed, avoiding torn-up streets and reducing carbon emissions.

Read full article: Forbes

Find out more: Aquam

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