"Tidal Farm" by Perpetuus

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"Tidal Farm" by Perpetuus

PTEC Has Applied to the Marine Management Organisation for Permission to Construct and Operate a Tidal Energy Demonstration Site, if Consent is Granted, PTEC Will Be the First of Its Kind in the World

PTEC has applied to the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and Isle of Wight Council (as Local Planning Authority) for permission to construct and operate a tidal energy demonstration site off St Catherine's Point to the south of the Isle of Wight. If consent is granted, PTEC will be the first of its kind in the world.

The electricity will be generated from tidal currents in the sea south of the Isle of Wight, supplying the Island with clean, renewable energy.

Mark Francis, Project Manager for PTEC said, "We are really excited by this project and the potential it has to benefit not just the Island and its residents, but the UK more widely.

"It will be the first of its kind anywhere in the world, reinforcing the UK's reputation as world-leaders in the wave and tidal industry.

"We have already undertaken a comprehensive programme of engagement with regulators, the local community and other stakeholders, and will continue to work closely with them as the project progresses. We look forward to working with the MMO and Local Planning Authority during the consent determination process, which is due to end in 2015."

Source: Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre

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