Ultrapure Water Market to Reach $35 Billion

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Ultrapure Water Market to Reach $35 Billion

Power Plants Around the World Will Spend over $35 Billion on New and ExistingUltrapure Water Systems in 2015,According toMcIlvaine's Prediction

There are three major water treatment processes in power plants:

  • Pure water for steam
  • Cooling water
  • Wastewater

The process for purifying water for steam generation is referred to as ultrapure water.

Coal-fired, gas turbine combined cycle, nuclear and concentrated solar power plants all use the same technologies for purifying the water which is converted to steam to drive the electric generator. The major difference is that only a portion of the power is derived from steam generation in gas turbine combined cycle plants. However, there is a unique additional need for ultrapure water in some gas turbine plants. In dry hot climates, water is introduced through fogging nozzles to reduce the inlet air temperature to the turbine.

The system includes a series of processes starting with purification of the raw water. Particulatesoluble species and gases are removed. High purity is needed to avoid fouling in boiler tubes as well as high temperature corrosion. Treatment is required both for the new water entering the cycle and for the condensed steam. Equipment requirements arefilters, piping, pumps, valves, ion exchange or electrodeionzation units, feedwater heaters,deareators, degasifiers, condensersand instrumentation.

Source: TheMcIlvaineCompany

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