UNESCO-IHE starts research project 'PEARL' to develop risk management strategies for coastal regions

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UNESCO-IHE starts research project 'PEARL' to develop risk management strategies for coastal regions

A research consortium of 24 partners led by UNESCO-IHE has been awarded a grant of five million Euro for the implementation of its research proposal within the FP7 programme (EU-FP7 ENV.2013.6.4-3 Coasts at threat in Europe: tsunamis and climate-related risks - FP7-ENV-2013). The research project entitled 'Preparing for Extreme And Rare events in coastaL regions (PEARL)' will be led by Dr. Zoran Vojinovic.

The impacts of climate change, population growth and urbanisation are bringing some of the greatest challenges of our time. Recently, we witnessed one of the most powerful storms in history, Typhoon Haiyan, which devastated Philippines, killed thousands and displaced millions of people. The same storm has also made significant impacts in Vietnam and China. The need to respond to such challenges reinvigorates the significance of adaptation for sustainable development, which is the main objective of PEARL.

Details can be sen here

