Utilis in the News - May 2019

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Utilis in the News - May 2019

Utilis was featured in two magazines this month. The first is an piece by Utilis customer, Chelsea Odle from Central Arkansas Water, in AWWA Opflow . This article reveals how Central Arkansas Water reduced their NRW from 14.09% in 2017 to 7.54% in 2018 by instituting a proactive leak detection approach using Utilis data. Read it today!

The second article was published in Water Finance & Management , and written by Paul Gagliardo, Senior Technical Fellow at Utilis. It presents a data driven business case analysis showing the value proposition of using Utilis technology to triage the distribution system and lower the cost to find background leaks. Benchmarking is used to measure performance of specific indicators so that a comparison can be done. Find the details here!

