Valor Water Develops Drought Monitoring Toolkit

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Valor Water Develops Drought Monitoring Toolkit

Sonoma County Water Agency in California, US, Has Selected Water Utilities Analytics Solution Provider to Develop a Drought and Conservation Monitoring Toolkit

During her presentation at the TechCrunch DisruptStartup Battlefieldon September 8, Valor founder Dr. Christine Boyle revealed that the company had been selected by the Sonoma County Water Agency to develop a Drought and Conservation Monitoring toolkit. Sonoma County Water Agency provides wholesale water to nine water utilities and municipalities in the North Bay region. In addition to providing key monitoring and insights for the Agency, these tools will measure and assess how policy and conservation actions have impacted its costs and revenues.

Additionally, Valor Water has been selected as anEsripartner, and its customer segmentation analytics will be built into the organization's GIS platform, where it will be used to develop smart targets for water conservation. Esri currently works with more than 10,000 water utility clients across the world, and this partnership provides "instant-on" scalability for Valor to roll out its services to new markets.

"Participating in the Startup Battlefield at TechCrunch Disrupt SF is an amazing opportunity for our company, and it confirms our value to our customers," said Christine Boyle, Ph.D., Valor Water Analytics founder. "It has been a big week for us, having been selected to provide our services to the Sonoma County Water Agency and receiving our new status as an Esri partner, and we are looking forward to improving business intelligence in water utility space."

Since its founding, Valor Water has provided its services to 15 water utility organizations across the U.S., having analyzed more than 50 million billing records to date. Valor goes beyond leak detection and other engineering-focused metrics currently available, instead producing analytics including customer sales, revenue models and financial performance. Valor Water provides all of the directly actionable charts and metrics utility managers need, but it goes one step further, as its analysts answer the "so what" question those managers need to make decisions.

Source: Business Wire

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