Voith to Modernize Italian Hydropower Plants

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Voith to Modernize Italian Hydropower Plants

Voith Hydro has been awarded contracts to upgrade and rehabilitate generating units at three Italian hydropower projects

Voith Hydro has been awarded contracts to upgrade and rehabilitate generating units at three Italian hydropower projects.

The first, awarded byACEA S.p.A., will see Voith modernize the Alessandro Volta plant's4.5 MW and 2.7 MW Francis spiral turbines, generators, governors and automation equipment. Voith will also provide balance-of-plant services for the project, which is located in Castel Madama. The plant went on line in 1915.

Voith Hydrowill also provide modernization services for two plants owned by BKW Italia S.p.A.. including the Pompegnino and Pont St. Martin projects.

Pompegnino, located in Brescia province, houses two 1.1 MW Kaplan turbines. Voith will overhaul both, in addition to supplying new generators, hydraulic governors, automation and balance-of-plant services. The project's first turbine was installed in 1927.

Last, Voith will replace four horizontal Francis units at Pont St. Martin with one new seven-bladed 3 MW Kaplan turbine and one 500 kW horizontal Francis turbine, increasing its cumulative output capacity from 2.53 MW as commissioned in 1932. The company will also supply generators, hydraulic governors, automation and balance-of-plant services.

Source: Hydroworld

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