Wales to Boost Tidal Energy Commercialisation

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Wales to Boost Tidal Energy Commercialisation

Bristol 2015, the Company Leading The City's Year as European Green Capital, Has Launched an Accelerator Programme to Support the Commercialisation Of Tidal Energy Technology

The year-long Bristol 2015 Marine Energy Accelerator Programme (MEAP) will include a programme of events and initiatives with a focus on marine energy investment opportunities and the development of plans for sustainable energy projects in the Bristol Channel.

It will also support the Bristol Tidal Energy Forum, a business network comprising more than 100 tidal companies which meets twice a year in Bristol.

Mayor of Bristol George Ferguson said: "Bristol is extremely fortunate to have a cluster of great companies in this sector which, combined with first class research facilities and energy resources right on our doorstep, make us a world leading hub for tidal energy engineering and technology development.

"As we approach 2015, our European Green Capital year, we want to celebrate this talent locally and showcase it on the international stage. We must also push ahead with initiatives to develop the tidal energy potential of the Severn Estuary and Bristol Channel and maximise this great shared resource."

Source:Insider Media Limited

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