Wastewater and Water Quality Discussion

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Wastewater and Water Quality Discussion

This discussion is co-organized by UN-Habitat, AquaFed, UNEP, International Water Association and OECD. The stream aims to facilitate discussions on key priority issues for the inclusion of wastewater management in the future development agenda. The discussions will unpack experiences from the present MDG and focus on options and opportunities in wastewater management as an untapped resource and important contributor to public health. We look forward to your contributions! The Sub-Consultation on Wastewater Management and Water Quality will take place through discussions on five specific themes:

Week 1: Wastewater in an urbanizing world
Week 2: Impact of wastewater on oceans-nitrogen & phosphorous challenge
Week 3: Wastewater reuse-development, innovation
Week 4: Collecting and treating urban water after use
Week 5: Economic opportunities in wastewater

