Wastewater Treatment Industry Report China 2013

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Wastewater Treatment Industry Report China 2013

China's municipal wastewater discharged has been growing faster than industrial wastewater in the past decade. As of 2012, China discharged 68 billion tons of wastewater; municipal wastewater and industrial wastewater accounted for 62% and 38% respectively. The top 6 provinces of total wastewater discharged are Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shandong, Zhejiang, Henan and Fujian, accounting for 45% of domestic wastewater discharge in 2011. The top 4 wastewater discharge industries are steel, chemicals, paper manufacture, leather, and pharmaceuticals. Currently, China's average water reclamation utilization rate is about 8-9%, but expected to reach 10% during the 12 FiveYear Plan (FYP) period , which is below the average reclamation rate of developed countries, which is 70%. Large amounts of untreated sludge discharge have caused severe environmental pollution. During the 12th 1 Five-Year Period, newlyadded sludge treatment capacity will reach 5.2 million tons with total investment of RMB 35 billion (USD 5.6 billion); city sludge treatment rate is expected to reach 70-80% while town sludge treatment rate is expected to reach 30%. However by end of 2012, the completion rate of the sludge treatment facilities were only 27%.

Read more:http://bit.ly/17NSGPk

