Water Barge for Morocco

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Water Barge for Morocco

Damen fast tracks water making barge for Morocco

Responding to a severe drought in Morocco, Damen Shipyards, Gorinchem, Netherlands, is working to speed delivery of a Stan Pontoon 3011 Water Barge to the Royal Moroccan Navy.

Though combining a Stan Pontoon 3011 with water making technology is a first for Damen, the shipbuilder is aiming to transport the completed pontoon to Morocco before the end of September 2015.

Damen will install two high capacity water makers and two air-cooled generator sets on board the pontoon. The water makers use reverse osmosis technology to produce clean drinking water. The method is particularly attractive as it can produce potable water from virtually any water source. It is also a relatively energy efficient process.

After delivery, the Royal Moroccan Navy will manage the deployment and operation of the vessel. It will use its advanced logistics capacities to transport the vessel to the worst affected areas to deliver a water making capacity of 1,500 cu.m per hour. The water can then either be stored on board the pontoon in bunkers or pumped ashore via a pipeline.

The Damen Stan Pontoon 3011 is an ideal platform for the assignment. Its standardized components and modular construction mean that Damen can deliver the finished pontoon within a very short timeframe.

Source: Marine Log

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