Water Leak Protection System

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Water Leak Protection System

Waxman Industries IntroducesleakSMARTsystem which detects leaks andalso automatically shuts off the home's water in less than five seconds

The leakSMART system stops water leaks automatically and is the only solution in the marketplace that not only detects leaks, but also automatically shuts off the home's water in less than five seconds. Additionally, homeowners can receive notifications and alerts on their smart device via the leakSMART app — and remotely manage and monitortheir home's water at any time and from anywhere.

leakSMART can be integrated with nearly every leading home automation system, including Lowe's Iris, Nest Laboratories, SmartThings, and OpenHome.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, the average homeowner is actually 3.5 times more likely to experience water damage than theft in their home, and water damage ranks as the second most common home insurance claim. "leakSMART stops water leaks automatically," says Waxman. "It is the first of its kind in the market. leakSMART will save the average homeowner thousands of dollars and hours of cleaning up a water-logged house."

Source: Prnewswire.com

