Water Master Plan

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Water Master Plan

The Greater Des Moines Water Trails and Greenways Master Plan DRAFT is now ready for review and feedback by MPO member governments, user groups, key stakeholders, and the public.  Once finalized, the plan will provide the region a road-map for enhancing citizen experiences in and along the 150 miles of water ways in Greater Des Moines.

Wildlife Reports by Jim Pease

In the last year, Dr. Jim Pease has paddled nearly 150 miles of waterways in Greater Des Moines, documenting his findings on plants and animals that inhabit these urban streams. Jim Pease, Ph.D., is associate professor emeritus in the Natural Resource Ecology and Management department of Iowa State University. His findings are below

Raccoon River
Walnut and Beaver Creeks
Des Moines River
Middle River
North River
South Skunk River and Chichaqua Bottoms
Wildlife presentation

State of the Rivers Report

The State of the Rivers Report is the culmination of months of research and represents the most comprehensive exploration to date of the current conditions of 150 miles of rivers and creeks throughout Greater Des Moines. The online report of “story maps” was developed by Des Moines Area MPO as part of the first phase of the Master Watertrails and Greenways planning effort — a critical first step before planners and the public move forward with generating ideas and recommendations for what the waterways and greenways could become.

Picture11. Executive Summary
2. Regional Context
3. Des Moines River – Northern Section
4. Des Moines River – Downtown Section
5. Des Moines River – Southern Section
6. Raccoon River
7. South Skunk River
8. North and Middle Rivers
9. Beaver Creek
10. Fourmile, Mud, and Walnut Creeks
11. Issues, Opportunities, and Recommendations

About the Regional Water Trails Planning Effort

The MPO recently received funding from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to develop a regional water trails plan. Once developed, the plan will provide the region a road-map for enhancing citizen experiences in and along the water ways in Greater Des Moines.

Source: Des Moines Area MPO

