Water thefts on the increase in Kenya

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Water thefts on the increase in Kenya

As droughts become more frequent and water shortages worsen, Kenya is seeing an increase in water thefts and other water-related crimes, police records show. The most common crimes are theft, muggings and illegal disconnections of water pipes by thieves who collect and sell the water. Many of the crimes occur in urban slums, which lack sufficient piped water.

"Since 2003, we have made piped water available to at least half of the slum residents in the entire country, but we are faced with severe hurdles as populations continue to grow and demand for the commodity continues to increase," said Peter Mangich, acting director of water services in the Ministry of Water.

Police statistics show that in Kibera - Nairobi's largest slum with over one and a half million inhabitants - there are as many as 75 reported incidences of water-related theft daily. Police say they believe many other cases go unreported since residents fear reprisals.

Read more:http://j.mp/NWs7bd

