Waterloo announces commitment from RBC Blue Water to support launch of unique water management program

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Waterloo announces commitment from RBC Blue Water to support launch of unique water management program

The University of Waterloo announced a$1.75 millioncommitment from RBC Foundation to support development of a new graduate study program in Integrated Water Management.

The RBC Water Scholars program aims to provide students graduating with water-related degrees broader perspectives and the ability to communicate and co-operate with experts from other water-related fields.

"Waterloo offers specialist graduate degrees in a wide variety of water-related programs, but as we address increasingly complex water issues we need to train people to have an appreciation of multiple water research disciplines," saidProfessor Robert Gillham, Executive Director of the Water Institute. "RBC's generous gift allows us to establish a program that gives graduates a foundation in water science, engineering, technology and management above and beyond the specialist training they receive as part of their graduate degree studies," saidProfessor Gillham.

Read more :http://bit.ly/11SSYu0

