Watershare: sharing knowledge in the water sector

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Watershare: sharing knowledge in the water sector

Idsart Dijkstra, Division Manager of Watershare, KWR, introduces their program:

KWR, as a knowledge institute in the Netherlands, we work on different topics such as climate change, water shortages, scarcity, waste water treatment, looking at the whole water cycle.
We have recently launched the Watershare concept. At KWR we have a lot of researchers that know a lot about certain topics and have a great network. And now these people and these networks are available for you through Watershare.
Within Watershare, we made a lot of expert tools, and we can give them to other research institutes abroad. We are trying to make a network between research institutes all over the world.

If you are a research institute working in water we would love to hear from you. See the following link:


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