Welsh Water Investing In Wastewater System

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Welsh Water Investing In Wastewater System

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water to invest £1.5 million in Deganwy's wastewater system

The not-for-profit company is investing £1.5 million to replace nearly 2km of rising main wastewater pipe that runs from Llandudno Junction through to the village of Deganwy, serving around 11,000 households in total. The project will bring long term benefits by reducing the risk of potential bursts and pollution and enable Welsh Water to continue providing a key public service by taking wastewater away from customers' homes and local businesses and treating it before it is returned safely to the environment.

This essential scheme will be completed in July 2015. To ensure customers are aware of the work that will be taking place, Welsh Water has written to those customers that may be affected by the traffic management measures that will need to be in place to help the company undertake the work safely. There will be not be any impact on existing water and wastewater services whilst the investment is being done.

The company will also be holding a Public Information Event on 11 December at The Tegid Suite, Quay Hotel, Deganwy Quay, Deganwy, LL31 9DJ. Information about the planned work will be on display and members of the project team will be on hand to answer any questions people may have. The event will be open from 2pm to 7pm.

Julie Fallon, Ward Councillor for Deganwy said: "I welcome this investment in the local wastewater network. This work will benefit the local community and businesses for many years to come".

Source :Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water company website

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