WeMo App Tracks Water Consumption

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WeMo App Tracks Water Consumption

Belkin calls it "Echo technology," is designed to read your water and power consumption -- stick one sensor under your kitchen sink and another in your home's circuit breaker, andyou'll be able to track both utilities right in the WeMo app

Echo technology is designed to read the "signatures" of everything in your home that uses water or power. That means it's capable of telling when you're running the shower versus running the dishwasher, and capable of distinguishing between all of your electronics, device for device.

Potentially, that could feed a wealth of new information into your smart home's brain. Right now, you could plug a single device into aWeMo Insight Switchto track its power consumption -- Echo technology would be like having an Insight Switch for everything in your home, including hardwired stuff, like lighting.

You'd still need separate WeMo Switches to automate individual devices, or to turn them on or off remotely, but doing so based off of insights gleaned from a whole home's worth of consumption data would be a big step forward for Belkin. Sources tell me that Echo's data likely won't be able to trigger automations at launch, but that's Belkin's eventual goal for the technology. WeMo Power also claims it can monitor for electrical waste, or for devices that may need to be replaced or repaired.

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