Where (And How) American Water Spends Millions On Green R&D
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Business
Millions Spent On Green R&D
Since the early 1980s, investor-owned utilityAmerican Waterhas invested millions of dollars in technology for monitoring its infrastructure, decreasing leaks, improving conservation, and reducing theenergyrequired for wastewater processing, among other things.
That focus on innovation is something that new CEO Susan Story, an engineer by training, is prioritizing even more heavily - especially consider evidence that suggests up to 20% of all treated water (close to 2 trillion gallons) is lost because of problems with our aging network of pipes, sewers, pumps and other distribution and processing equipment. "We are facing a national problem, that something must be done about," she told me during a recent discussion about the company's ongoing research and development (R&D) activities.
Founded in 1886 and based in Voorhees, N.J., American Water is the largest publicly traded U.S. water and wastewater utility company - it operates in approximately 1,500 communities in 16 states. In 2013, the utility spent $2.9 million on R&D, compared with $2.8 million and $2.6 million spent in 2012 and 2011, respectively, based on data from the company's annual report. Approximately one-quarter of that budget went to outside research grants.
Story said the company's R&D vision centers on three primary things: safety, supplying clean and affordable water, and ensuring a sustainable supply. It actually has formal program in place to encourage, evaluate and explore new ideas called the Innovation Development Process. There are many stakeholders, ranging from the "owner" of the original suggestion or innovation, to the "Stage Gate Committee," a team of three senior executives accountable for the initiatives and responsible for finding the money internally to support pilot testing.
"Our scale allows us to test these new technologies easily," Story said.
Here are just three examples of approaches that American Water is piloting and deploying as a result of its R&D efforts:
Smarter Detection - Most water utilities have bought into the idea that sensors can help them respond and proactively deal with leaks in pipes or valves. American Water is particularly keen onacoustic monitoring, which helps identify cracks before they become a more acute problem. "If we catch cracks early, it is 10 times less expensive to repair them," Story said. Two of the technologies that it is using are FCS Permalog sensors, which are used on water main valves to record sound vibration data that can be downloaded and analyzed periodically; and Itron MLOG technology that allows for continuous monitoring.
Smarter Energy Use - American Water is partnering with ENBALA Power Networks to use demand response practices as its water pumping stations. This way, it can work with local electric utilities to slow down or speed up pumping as part of smart grid programs; the utility gets a cash payment for returning power to the grid during peak periods. This idea was piloted in Pennsylvania. Another example involves a process called NPXpress, patented in September 2011, that dramatically reduces the amount of energy needed for aeration activities at wastewater treatment plants. NPXpress uses less oxygen and supplemental carbon; in tests in New Jersey, it cut aeration water consumption by up to 50%. Six other plants are targeted for installation.
Innovative Reuse Methods - When it comes to potential potable water sources, "the universe of options isn't that large," as Story puts out. That's why schemes to reuse and recycle water will receive far more attention in the months and years to come. Rather than investing in approaches for managing three different sorts of water - potable water, wastewater and stormwater - American Water is talking up the need to consider this from a "one water" point of view.
Here's how the company defines this idea in an April 2013 white paper: "This term describes the company's long-term strategy of not thinking about individual segments of water, but rather thinking that it's all water, and it's all a resource. Additionally, it can be used for different purposes and it's thinking about the system holistically, from the start of the watershed through to the various points of use."
American Water is already involved with several notable reuse projects that might serve as a hint of things to come. At a residential high-rise in New York's Battery City, the utility is working with equipment that reprocesses water for use in toilet flushing, irrigation and cooling towers. A similar installation involving wastewater and stormwater is in place in Foxboro, Mass., at theGilletteStadium used by the New England Patriots.
Another installation to watch - one that has been in place since 2009 and that American Water will operate until 2029 - is the Fillmore Water Recycling Plant in California. The zero-discharge wastewater treatment facility can treat up to 2.4 million gallons of water daily, serving a population of 15,000 people. It was built through a public-private partnership between the utility and the municipal government, at 15% cost. The "recycled" water is used to irrigate schools, landscaping, city parks and other green areas throughout the city. State-of-the-art technologies used there include a flow-equalization system, membrane bioreactors, ultraviolet disinfection and a fiber optic network for monitoring and controls.
Source: ForbesMedia
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