World Bank Supports Moroccan Coastal Communities

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World Bank Supports Moroccan Coastal Communities

WASHINGTON, July 5, 2012 -A new World Bank project will pilot the application of integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) approach at the local level in view of improving resources management, inclusion and job creation in the Eastern Mediterranean coastal areas of Morocco. The $5.2 million Integrated Coastal Zone Management Global Environment Facility (GEF) grant, approved by the World Bank's Board today, will strengthen the capacity of relevant stakeholders to incorporate an integrated approach of cross-sector coordination into local development plans.

Morocco and other coastal countries face interlinked challenges of managing the resources of the Mediterranean Sea. The ICZM project would contribute to regional coastal zone management issues by testing good practices for long-term maintenance and sustainability. It plans to provide the necessary tools to the different sectors such as agriculture, fisheries, environment, tourism, forestry, and local government to participate meaningfully in local resource use planning through ICZM approach, and integrating climate change and biodiversity preservation in the economic development processes in the project sites.

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