Yemen faces devastating water shortage
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Social
Young girls are carrying plastic containers of water over their heads?. Although one would think these girls are living in a remote village. They are nearly living in the downtown of Yemen's capital Sana'a.
Experts warn that the capital Sana'a is facing a water crisis.
Illegal drilling of artisan wells and government's failure to face the growing number of water law violators are the main reasons.
Several proposals were set forth by the country's best water engineers to solve the problem.
As people say, they have not seen any tangible actions from the newly formed government which replaced Ali Abdullah Saleh's 33 years rule and the water problem still aggravates.
Experts say if alternative resources of water could not be found, many people may migrate from Sana'a by 2015.
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- Water Supply