Yorkshire Water Tapping Biogas

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Yorkshire Water Tapping Biogas

Grand Opening Will Mark the Completion of a £34m Project Enabling Yorkshire Water's Sewage Treatment Site in Bradford to Run Entirely on Sludge-generated Biogas

The plant will use advanced BioThelys technology to generate renewable biogas from 30,000 tonnes per year of sludge, producing enough heat and power for its entire 750 acre site.

The project, which took two years to finish, is expected to reduce Yorkshire Water's carbon footprint by 9000 tonnes per year, saving the company £1.3m per year in energy costs.

The process

The waste coming into the plant goes through several stages to reduce it down to sludge which is then 'pressure-cooked' at 165oC, making it easier to capture biogas from. The resultant biogas is fed back through pipes and combusted in an engine to generate electricity and heat.

The process creates approximately 62,000 tonnes per year of by-product which is recycled back into Yorkshire Water's agricultural industry as fertiliser.

Source: Edie

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