Zebra Mussel War
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Government
Calif-basedMarrone Bio InnovationsTreatment to Eradicate Invasive Mussels, Has Proven 100 % Effective in Its First Commercial Application in Open Water
Davis, Calif-basedMarrone Bio InnovationsInc. said this week that Zequanox, a treatment to eradicate invasive mussels, has proven 100 percent effective in its first commercial application in open water.
TheMinnesota Department of Natural Resourcesthis summer discovered zebra mussels near the public boat launch on Christmas Lake in Shorewood.
Zequanox was applied in open water to a 50-foot by 60-foot containment area with approximately 5,000 live mussels in the enclosure on Sept. 8. They were all dead by Sept. 19, Marrone reported.
Marrone gotU.S. Environmental Protection Agencyapproval in July to use the product inopen waterto combat invasive zebra and quagga mussels in lakes, rivers and other open bodies of water. Previously, it was approved for enclosed systems, such as intake pipes.
The two kinds of mussels have fouled waterways across the country, including the Great Lakes. They feed on nutrients in flowing water and then quickly clog irrigating water intakes, dam plumbing and municipal water supplies. They also choke off other species, from aquatic plants to fish.
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