California water footprint analysis part of state water plan

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California water footprint analysis part of state water plan

The California Department of Water Resources released the 2013 update of the California Water Plan -- a comprehensive, strategic plan for managing and developing water resources within the state. The Pacific Institute, as well as many other stakeholder and government agencies, was involved in the collaboration of this multi-volume report.

Volume 1 of the California Water Plan features research from Pacific Institute staff. Citing many of the Institute's prior works, the first volume covers the strategic plan for improving California water as it is today. In addition, chapter five highlights a new Institute analysis on California's water footprint -- a measure of the total volume of freshwater that is used to produce the goods and services consumed by Californians.This assessment provides valuable information on the state's use and management its water resources, as well as addressing issues regarding sustainability.
Read Vol.1, Ch.5 here:

Find the complete California Water Plan here: