New Rainwater Harvesting method

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Related Technical Field:
This invention is related to a method that combines and facilitates the processes of keeping storing and using the rain water for agricultural purposes.

Previous Methods:
The existing methods are based on cathing the rain water, and directing it for storage in pools or tanks. The srored rain water is then than transmitted through pipelines for irrigation of the agricultural lands. At the known stage of the technique, in order to prevent water floating, dam is made and rain water is stored in soil profile on sloping lands. The water that is over the amount of field moisture capacity deposits down under the deeps so it does not go to waste.

Purpose of the Invention:
The invention aims at combining the processes of keeping, storing and using rain water underground in the arable lands. It is a way of trapping water by water pockets around effective root depth (the water which goes under the effective root depth).

Detailed description of the Water Receptacle:
For implementation of the procedure are used two kinds of sands and a watertight and flexible receptacle that does not crack under pressure. The sand comprises of thick and thin grain sand. Thick grain sand is filled at the bottom inside the receptacle, and then covered by thin grain sand. The top edge of the receptacle is covered as to remain 70 cm to 250 cm under the soil layer. The depth of sinking depends on the species and root depth of the agricultural crop. The water receptacle howener is sunk deeper than the root deepth. The soil gets wet when it rains. The excess water runs through the soil, and fills the sand receptacle. The strained water is distilled through the thin sand layer. In arid season when the soil gets dry, the water in receptacles keeps the soil wet. It is possible to cover or plaster the inside pit as to form a receptacle, or directly place a ready receptacle inside the pit, and fill the same receptacle with sand. The receptacle is caharacterized with its flexible and watertight structure that is only partially deformedwith no cracks under pressure. When the system is applied once, it could be used even for successive years with no maintenance needed. Between the thick and thin sand layers is placed a permable textile layer to avoid mixture of the two layers, so that the receptacle would have a longer life. This method is used on semi-arid fields which are more sloping than 15%. On the fields which have 400 mm rain yearly, the area in the direction of slop up some part of the soil surface is covered with non-permeable geotextile product. This method is used together with the existing water harvest and water conservation methods but not preventing them.