Percentage of microbeads in pelagic microplastics within Japanese coastal waters

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Percentage of microbeads in pelagic microplastics within Japanese coastal waters

 Atsuhiko Isobe  , 2016. Percentage of microbeads in pelagic microplastics within Japanese coastal waters, Marine Pollution Bulletin.

Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, Japan

The present study provides a conservative estimate of the microbead percentage in pelagic microplastics collected in the coastal waters of Japan.


Dear Atsuhiko Isobe  , have you or did you plan to analyse the sorbed chemicals of the microbead you collected for this study ?

Moreover, did you know if there is any regulation in progress regarding microplastic particles present as ingredient in personal care and cosmetic products sold in Japan ?

Thank you in advance for your answer,


