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This article explains why this is a fact. It also mentions how the Hydrodynamic Magnetic Resonance technology influences health and environment.

A water molecule consists of one oxygen and two hydrogens. Thus: H2O. Simply put, the oxygen act as a negative, while each hydrogen acts as a positive. Water molecules do not travel alone. They form clusters with other water molecules by the attraction of a positive hydrogen of one molecule to the negative oxygen of another. Water molecule clusters come in many sizes, depending on the number of water molecules involved.

In the case of water that has not been magnetically structured, the water molecule clusters are generally comprised of many water molecules that are loosely attracted. This loose and chaotic form of attraction allows for toxins and pollutants to travel inside the water molecule cluster. As these water molecule clusters pass by the cell membrane, many of them are sloughed off because they are too large or because of the toxins contained, which the plant is programmed to reject.The smaller of these chaotic clusters will enter the cell, some carrying toxins with them. It requires a great deal of unstructured water to hydrate a plant.

Magnetic field, when applied to normal water, restructures the water molecules into very small water molecule clusters, each made up of six symmetrically organized molecules. This miniscule cluster is recognized by the cell as "bio-friendly" due to its hexagonal structure and because the toxins cannot travel within the cluster, and easily enters the passageways in plant and animal cell membranes. The result provides maximum, healthy hydration with less water.

Benefits to Plants

Magnetic field further breaks down minerals into smaller particles making them more bio-available to the plant cells. The bottom line results are dramatic: maximum hydration of healthy water with greater uptake of minerals results in greater yields, larger and better end product, earlier maturation, longer shelf life, and healthier plants. It allows a reduction of amount of water needed, fertilizer and pesticides.

Since the magnetic structuring breaks all minerals into smaller particles, salt in the soil is broken down by the structured water, causing it to sink deep into the soil, away from plant roots, and wash away. The desalinization happens quickly over a season, creating much healthier plants, greater yields, and better final product.

Since the hexagonal water molecule cluster won't allow the bonding of minerals to it, magnetically structured water removes scaling from pipes and won't allow new scaling to take effect.

The MagneLogic(TM) deviceis a simple flange containing powerful, specific inductance magnet tubes that restructure the water and minerals passing through them into a more fulfilling and productive bio-available form.

Benefits to People

Many natural as well as man-made influences have affected the molecular structure of our water supply.

Environmental waste, toxins, and minerals - as well as chemical additives that treat our municipal water supply - combine to produce "dead water."

You can try to filter and purify this water, but it cannot be biologically active without the application of magnetic resonance.

By improving the ability of our drinking water to dissolve compounds, we can increase its oxygen content. This enhancement, in turn, makes natural nutrients more readily available to our bodies.

In addition, Magnetized Water has increased alkalinity, which helps to regulate the body's pH level.

Benefits to Our Environment

Finally, by safely and efficiently activating existing water supplies, we practice water conservation and environmental sustainability.

What is Good Water?

It's funny how one word can have so many different meanings. For example, when "good" is used to describe water, what are all the possibilities of that meaning?

It could mean sweet tasting. Or it could mean soft. To many it could mean bottled. To some, it means you can see through it. To others, it's an acceptable color of tan. Or brown.

At MagneLogic, our starting point for "good" water means it actually enters the cellular structure of the plant or animal. Water that doesn't hydrate, isn't "good" water as far as we're concerned. After all, the number one reason for illness in all living things world-wide is dehydration.

Since hydration is the basis for cellular health and vigor, then that's our starting point. (We add a lot of other benefits that make "good" water the "best" water, but we'll get to that in a minute.)

Here's the hard part to swallow: A lot of sweet tasting, soft, bottled water doesn't hydrate very well. Even if you can see through it. That's because many of the water molecule clusters are too large to enter the cellular structure of the plant or animal.

Unfortunately, that sort of "good" water passes right by the cells.

But when water is processed through the hydrodynamic magnets of the MagneLogicsystem, the oversized water molecule clusters are broken down into minisculeunits, with only six water molecules in each cluster. That incredibly small size is completely bioavailable to the cellular structure, able to easily enter the cells and more fully hydrate. If the idea of water being broken down into clusters of six water molecules seems foreign to you, just look at a snowflake, the basic unit of frozen water. How many legs does a snowflake have? Six.

To try to give an idea of how small that is in comparison with typical, untreated water molecule clusters, it's like comparing flour to sand.

Now, back to hydration. Full hydration balances typical negative elements that might be hiding out in the cells, making them nonfactors in terms of negative influence. Full hydration in plants creates healthier, more robust plants that produce greater yields and require less water, since every drop of MagneLogicwater hydration is capable of entering cells. In humans, full hydration means a boost in the immune system because of the speedier, more efficient delivery of nutrients and removal of toxins from those cells. It degasses chlorine, chloramine, and fluoride, making them non-interactive with the body. For all living things, this water breaks down minerals into smaller units and holds them in suspension, so they more effectively enter the cells.

Examples of animal health: MagneLogicwater reduced the mortality rate of chickens by 200-300%. It created larger litters of piglets that grew to maturity faster.

Examples of plant health: MagneLogicwater increased the yield on a test plot of spinach by 35%; provided 100 more boxes of sweet corn per acre (27% increase); produced increases of broccoli by 21%, lettuce by 24%, and 606 more melons per acre.

Now THAT'S "good" water.

And that's why you don't need as much of it to do a better job. It's why we can guarantee a minimum 10% increase in yield for a minimum of 10% less water used.

But MagneLogicwater gets even better than just "good." It won't allow scaling—and even removes scaling. It washes salts away from the root structure of the plant. It balances pH. And much more. The benefits go on and on. The bottom line? We deliver healthier, hydrating water.

That's where "good" begins. Saham Global is proud to distribute MagneLogictechnology across Sub-Sahara Africa and the Middle East.


About Author:Jan WillemVan Esis an entrepreneurial Manager with strong focus on Cost-Efficiency & Sustainability.He hasgained extensive and broad experience on the farm as well as in food processing and wholesale / logistics environments in multiple roles, in food and non-food crops as well as animal husbandry. His other articles can be seenhere