The Gravity-Bind Flow of Freshwater on Planet Earth has to be Bypassed

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The Gravity-Bind Flow of the Freshwater on the Planet Earth Has to Be By-passed!

Mashallah Ali-Ahyaie

Mashallah Ali-Ahyaie

Freelancer Consultant

Let's have a look at the following alarming news item first, before getting to the point;

"NASA: More Than One-Third of Earth’s Largest Aquifers Are Being Rapidly Depleted"

It is quite very good and vital having the gravity force on the planet earth, otherwise no life existed thereon. But this gravity force which rapidly takes away all rain drops while eroding precious top soils and washing away all sorts of pollution to awry and unknown underground fresh or salty aquifers or eventually back to the oceans, from where originated to a great extent. It has also obliged humans following its path towards the lowest levels on the earth, even below the flood lines, in certain areas, in the search of the freshwater; the basic needs of life. This fact is quite evident having a look at the Hydrologic Water Cycle Diagram, as embedded above (,) and described briefly, as follows:

Water cycle

The water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle or the H2O cycle, describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth. The mass of water on Earth remains fairly constant over time but the partitioning of the water into the major reservoirs of ice, fresh water, saline water and atmospheric water is variable depending on a wide range of climatic variables.

However, this diagram doesn't represent the flow of water made by humans interference in collecting and using the freshwater, in this era.

That is a factual negligence, that humans have not adapted and managed the use of the harvested rainwater in due course at source, via the rainwater / storm water harvesting and watershed management techniques, at large worldwide,through by-passing the flow and the movement of the rainwater, toward the end users. But contrary to that, bound by the force of the gravity, they try drilling the precious aquifers, beyond their proliferation capacities, causing all adverse consequences, through consuming a lot of efforts, time and energy, addressed by the article referenced at the beginning. Also, in certain areas they have even recourse for the desalination processes of the sea water, albeit all the environmental concerns.

Had humans basically, in the course of history, have bypassed and harvested the quick flow of the precious rainwater; bringing it within their reach and managed use, they could have saved a great deal of time and energy, enduring in reaching the freshwater, and in the meantime the harvested rainwater, after serving the mankind, would have finally ended-up in the aquifers anyway,while getting treated in different layers of soils.

Just as a token, the following statement, is in line with the discussed points, posted as follows:

Best regards,


