Wastewater remediation pilot tests and potential co-products using algae

Published on by in Technology

Algae can be used to clean wastewater. Some wastewater and secondary water can be used to grow algae for potential co-products such as biofertilizer, bioplastics and potential fuels.

We are interested in conducting additional 'pilot tests' using wastewater and secondary water to grow a few different algae strains to collect data and to be used to grow algae for potential co-products. 

Our members are working with universities co-located at City Wastewater Treatment facilities cleaning wastewater using algae.
Chevron is testing algae to clean refinery water. 

Do you use algae to treat water or wastewater? Your experiences are welcome. 

If someone is interested in collaboration on potential pilot tests, please contact: barry@nationalalgaeassociation.com 

You can find additional information here http://www.iwa-network.org/microalgae-sustainable-alternative-wastewater-treatment/ 
and here http://news.rice.edu/2015/04/02/rice-u-study-algae-from-wastewater-solves-two-problems-2/ 

Do you use algae to treat water or wastewater? Your experiences are welcome. 

