What are your favorite water tech/BPO success stories?

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I'm a newcomer to the global water business and I was surprised at the relatively slow pace of investment in IT integration by municipalities and business with the predicted 2030 40% water shortfall.

My experience in other industries suggests that well documented and publicized success stories - like these EPA WaterSense success stories -- can build buzz and spur adoption when shared in relevant channels.

(see: http://bit.ly/2030Report)

To that end, I'd value your input as follows:

(1) Where do you look to find examples/success stories (including the Water Network, of course)?

(2) Are there water "analysts," similar to the IT Industry Analysts (Forrester, Gartner, IDC, etc.) you turn to for use cases and ROI?

(2) What's your favorite water-saving success story, and what in your mind makes a success story a "winner?"

Feel free to share here or to tweet with the #waterworks hashtag. Thanks in advance for your help!
