2nd JPI Oceans conference

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2nd JPI Oceans conference

2nd JPI Oceans conference

The 2nd JPI Oceans conference, taking place in Lisbon on 26 October 2017, will present the first results of the actions and projects initiated under the framework of JPI Oceans and will provide an excellent opportunity for stakeholders from research and industry to network and discuss with policy makers from across Europe. 

Partners involved in the JPI Oceans joint actions will discuss the outcomes, opportunities and future outlooks of their activities. The event will further highlight the international cooperation of JPI Oceans beyond Europe and results of CSA Oceans 2, the Horizon 2020 Support Action aimed to support the JPI.


The JPI Oceans actions presented at the conference will be varied in scope and include: 

  • Ecological aspects of deep-sea mining
  • Ecological Aspects of Microplastics
  • Intercalibration exercise for the EU Water Framework Directive
  • MarTERA Cofund on maritime and marine technologies
  • Munition in the sea
  • Food and nutrition security 
  • Marine calibration network

The programme committee has the honour to confirm the participation of Manuel Heitor, Portuguese Minister for Science Technology- and Higher Education as a speaker for the opening session of the conference.

JPI Oceans?
The Joint Programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI Oceans) is an intergovernmental coordinating and integrating platform covering all European sea basins. It focuses on making better and more efficient use of national research budgets, which represent 88% of the research funding within Europe.

For further information, please contact: willem.demoor@jpi-oceans.eu

The 2nd JPI Oceans conference is supported by the CSA Oceans 2 project
which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 696324

More information on JPI Oceans



