5th International Conference on LAND USE AND WATER QUALITY

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5th International Conference on LAND USE AND WATER QUALITY

Though LuWQ2021 has a well-defined narrow focus on ‘agriculture and water quality’, the conference is broadly oriented with regard to the various professional disciplines. One of the issues addressed at the conference regards 'agriculture and protection of water sources for drinking-water production'.

In this sense, as some conference topics deal specifically with protection of water sources from pollution by nitrate and pesticides, the LuWQ2021 conference is also relevant to researchers and professionals from water-supply companies and water-supply related research institutes and  organisations. The topics related to 'agriculture and protection of water sources for drinking-water production' are outlined further below.

Detailed information about topics relating to the issue 'agriculture and protection of water sources for drinking-water production' is contained in Attachment 1.

