EcoFair 2015

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EcoFair 2015

The forthcoming 12th International Fair of Environment and Natural Resource Protection ECOFAIR 2015 will be an opportunity to gather all participants in the environment protection system, in order to enhance this very important branch mutually. According to the announcements of the relevant Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection, in the following period, the Republic of Serbia expects serious financial investments into the environment branch enhancement of about 10.6 billion US Dollars, of which 5.5 billion US Dollars will be invested into the problem solving of waste water and water supply.

Thus, there will be significant investments into the infrastructure, especially into the municipal waste water system. In the process of the EU accession, Serbia will meet also the regulations coordination within the environment protection, as well as the preparation of infrastructural projects, in order to enable Serbia to apply for money from the EU Funds.

In the second half of 2014, the Regulation of Plan Determination for the Packaging Waste Reduction for the Period 2015 - 2019, specifying the objectives for the packaging waste use and recycling, was adopted. As announced in the relevant Ministry, the funds for recyclers will be provided to the amount of RSD 1.5 billion.

The Fair is a good opportunity to work on the education of Serbian population regarding the ecology and healthy environment protection through the Side Event Program, consisting of lectures, seminars, round table conferences and various other activities. According to a recent professional research within the awareness of this branch, it was shown about 30% of Serbia population is aware of environment protection and ready to act more responsibly, with the relevant infrastructure, to preserve the environment. Such results show improvements in this branch, but also the necessity of permanent education, in order to enable the Republic of Serbia to accomplish in the following decade serious results and provide further development of the collecting network capacity, the revision of the legal regulations, as well as increased inspection monitoring.

