Hydropower of Latin America

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Hydropower of Latin America

Latin America has the cleanest energy matrix in the world and is one of the regions with the greatest potential and hydroelectric growth, but less than 50% of its capacity has developed. There are currently more than 95 hydroelectric projects in the region and demand is expected to grow by up to 3.7% annually by 2040.

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The hydroelectric potential represents approximately 20% of the global hydroelectric potential where Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia realize three-quarters of this potential.

According to 2018 data, the region added an energy capacity of more than 12,000 MW, and several thousand MW are under construction and projected in Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, and other countries. The region is also undergoing rehabilitation and expansion of some major projects in Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina.

Learn more about these projects in development for the construction and modernization of hydroelectric plants in Latin America during the webinar!

