International Perspective on Water Resources and the Environment

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International Perspective on Water Resources and the Environment

In 2006 ASCE-EWRI initiated a series of international conferences in developing countries. The primary
objective of this conference series is to bring together environmental and water resources professionals
from around the world with a focus on the regional issues of the developing country where the conference
is hosted. Furthermore, ASCE-EWRI aims to make these conferences accessible to participants from a wide range of cultural, socio-economic, and professional backgrounds.

IPWE 2014 will be the seventh installment of the conference series. Having hosted registrants from 64
distinct countries since 2006, the Conference Organizing Committee and EWRI Staff look forward to the
challenge of continuing to diversify the attendance and increase the value of these events. Bathed in rich culture, vibrant landscapes, and tremendous biodiversity, Quito serves as an appropriate landing spot for this international conference series. The individuals behind this conference are already hard at work to bring you a technical and social program that will enrich your professional endeavors and offer tremendous networking opportunities.

