International Symposium on Emerging Pollutants in Irrigation Waters
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network
This International Symposium is the first to be organized in Tunisia and may be in the entire Arab World, to deal with Emerging Pollutants in water resources used for irrigation, their origins, fate, potential risks and tools for mitigation. It is held in the framework of the German-Tunisian joint research project EMPOWER Tunisia carried out by the Technical University of Braunschweig (TUBS, Germany), the National Research Institute for Rural Engineering, Water, and Forestry (INRGREF, Tunisia) and the Higher Institute of Agronomy Chatt Meriem (ISA CM, Tunisia). It aims at:
Bringing together scientific communities around the Mediterranean Sea Basin and the Arab countries working on emerging pollutants: chemists, environmental scientists, hydrologists, biologists, etc. to present and discuss their research findings, and explore further opportunities of collaboration.
Gathering the experts from the Arab-Mediterranean countries together with scientists from other countries to discuss issues related to the pollution of water resources used for irrigation, and establish a list of the most relevant pollutants and their potential hazardous effects on human health and the environment.
Exchanging experiences of environmentally sound technologies to mitigate the occurrence of emerging pollutants.
Aside from the scientific programme and within the educational component of the project Good Governance will be discussed from the points of view of decision-makers, scientists in research and academic institutions, and students.
The Symposium is organized mainly around the following topics:
- Emerging pollutants in water resources (surface, waste, and ground waters).
- Emerging pollutants in soils and sediments.
- Emerging pollutants and related environmental and health risks.
- Treatment and remediation of water and soil contaminated by emerging pollutants.
- Special session: Good Governance in Universities and Research Institutions.
- Website:
- Location: Gammarth, Tunisia
- Starts , ends