Meter Asset Management and Operations

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Meter Asset Management and Operations

Utilities across Europe face the prospect of meeting the EU's goal of installing smart meters for 80% of consumers by 2020. National plans for meeting this target vary considerably across the continent with Italy and Sweden having completed physical roll out without fully utilising smart meter functionality. Gas , electricity , and water suppliers face similar challenges in managing existing meter assets and where appropriate planning for the roll out and maintenance of smart meters .

With so many companies, whether they be the energy/water suppliers themselves or meter asset management companies, finding themselves mired in this transitional phase SMi's Meter Asset Management and Operations conference will provide practical insight on managing the meter assets already held by utilities and planning for the burst of activity and sizeable workforce increase required to deliver smart meters into consumers' homes in a relatively short time frame.

The conference will be split into6 themes for discussion by industry experts from across Europe:

1. Asset identification and tracking and database maintenance
2. Developing stakeholder (meter asset manager, DNO, and energy supplier) relationships to deliver smart meter roll out programmes
3. The challenge of meter maintenance in a mixed asset environment
4. Training and organising your workforce for efficient meter installation
5. Delivering an excellent customer experience
6. Meter specifications and interoperability

