Near East & North Africa Land and Water Days

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Near East & North Africa Land and Water Days

The inherent scarcity of land and water resources in the Near East and the North Africa (NENA) Region is accentuated by the looming threat of climate change and unprecedented levels of pressure on natural resources stemming from persistent high, population growth, inadequate consumption patterns and a rapid urbanization. The achievement of effective and sustainable management of land and water is thus critical for food security in the Region. The region has accumulated a wealth of knowledge on management systems supporting sound land and water productivity; yet, many successful experiences are limited in scope and in space, or not well documented or disseminated.

The "Near East & North Africa Land and Water Days" (NENA LWD) aim to fill this knowledge gap, by providing countries of the regions and their development partners with a platform to learn from each other, share experiences, discuss lessons learnt - what works, and do not work- and promote best practices on water and land management.
